
Tesler's Law

If you simplify too much, you'll transfer some complexity to the users

In the technology industry, "Tesler's Law" is the observation that "As soon as you learn how to use a technology, it becomes obsolete.”

In the early 2000s, Apple was struggling to keep up with the competition. The company had just come off a string of bad quarters, and its share price was suffering. Then, in 2001, Apple released the iPod. The iPod was an instant hit, and Apple's share price began to recover.

However, by 2003, Apple was once again struggling. The company had lost its lead in the personal computer market, and its share price was falling. Then, in 2004, Apple released the iPhone. The iPhone was an instant hit, and Apple's share price began to recover.

Today, Apple is once again struggling. The company has lost its lead in the smartphone market, and its share price is falling. However, many observers believe that Apple will once again find success with a new product.

The girl is holding a USB that plugins into her laptop’s USB input, This process cannot be simplified more than this.